Open Autumn Working Test 1st September 2019
Oldhouse Warren, Nr. Crawley, West Sussex Judges: Mr J Crawford and Mr L Wingfield 1st: Ava Grace handled by P. Ford 2nd: Gartshore Verna handled by R. Hyde 3rd: Boundarymoor Esther handledRead More…
Oldhouse Warren, Nr. Crawley, West Sussex Judges: Mr J Crawford and Mr L Wingfield 1st: Ava Grace handled by P. Ford 2nd: Gartshore Verna handled by R. Hyde 3rd: Boundarymoor Esther handledRead More…
Judges: Buzz Kennard and Sean Connor. Novice 1st.Jo Hewison Casblaidd Sweet Pea 2nd.Penny Ford Gatlingburg Bramble 3rd. Tricia Robinson Robiden Juno 4th Sydnie Enticknap Theo Coms to: JRead More…
What a fabulous day! A really great turn out with a full card for Novice and Open. Thanks go to the Judges, Kevin Barraclough and Ian Porter; to David Whittaker our TrainingRead More…
Results of the Autumn Test 2018 held at, Oldhouse Warren, Nr Worth Crawley, on Sunday 9th September 2018 Venue: Oldhouse Warren, Worth, Nr Crawley, by kind permission of the Trustees of the PaddockhurstRead More…