MSWSC 200th field trial stake – Novice AV 

17th January 2023 at Bigpath Farm, Upham

By kind permission of Mr &Mrs Le May 

Head keeper: Mr T Tutt-Leppard 

FTS: Debbie Robertson 



Mr David Sowerby, Mr Angelo Lo Curto 

Mr Owen Russell, Mr Sean Connor 


1st place not awarded

2nd Bronberllan Nona (FTCh Helmsway Heath x Bronberllan Megan) J Roberts 

3rd Shiveck Melchoir of Stlillcuran ( FTCh Deepfleet Van Persie x FTCh Surefly Sassy) J Hooper

4th not awarded 

COM Tiptop Jack Tornado N Gregory 


Guns Choice: Shiveck Melchizedek Tracy Davis

Keepers Choice: Misselchalke Pitviper N Gregory 


It was new ground for Mid Sussex Working Spaniel Club and we were made to feel extremely welcome.

The atmosphere was great even though the weather was icy cold. 

The dogs worked well in game crop and light woodland to find a mixture of game; rabbits, pheasants and even a pigeon. The guns shot well. 

A huge thank you to our hosts, gamekeeper and his team, judges, guns and all volunteers. 

A special Thankyou to our sponsors Gamekeepers Goods for their outstanding support with gifts and also for catering at the trial and Skinner’s for their continued support. 

All of which helped to make the day memorable 

Here’s to the next 200 trials.