Our training classes are over for another year. So good to see you all progressing well and lots of you already out in the shooting field Beating and picking up.You should all be well equipped to tackle anything the keeper asks of you this year. Enjoy your dogs.

I’d like to thank out trainers this year, David, Ian, Jo and Ann, who happily gave up their time to help you on your way. Special Thanks to Yvette for providing Tea,cake and sympathy after training!

It was nice to catch up in the pub after training, and discuss what you would like us to address next year, If you have any requests, ideas, or would like to help out next year please get in touch.

Don’t forget the training ground is open every 3rd Sunday throughout the year from 9 to 12.30, for those that have paid their £10 additional subs.

We look forward to welcoming you at our Trials, and again at Lessons and Working tests next year, Information on next years training will be posted in February.