Schedule for Spring 2018 Novice and Open Working Tests – Any Variety Spaniel

To be held at: Oldhouse Warren, Worth, Near Crawley

Date: Sunday, 28th April 2019

Judges: Mr Kevin Barraclough [3278] & Mr Ian Porter [NP]

Entry fee: Entries by post £10.00 per dog. (Please send sae or give your email address). Entries on the day, £15.00. There will be a limit of 20 dogs per Test. Any numbers over this will go as reserves. If this number is met before the date of the Test no entries will be taken on the day.

Cheques: Made payable to Mid-Sussex Working Spaniel Club, separate cheque for each entry please.

Entries to: Mr D. Whittaker
Wayside, Heather Lane, Felbridge, Surrey, RH19 2RF.

CLOSING DATE: Sunday 7th April 2019

Draw: Sunday 7th April 2019 at Wayside, Heather Lane, Felbridge, Surrey, RH19 2RF.
Please send a sae envelope for result of draw or put your email address on the entry form

Prizes: Trophies for 1st places, certificates as appropriate.

Meet: 9.00 am for 9.30 am start.

Directions: The working test is being held at our training ground, directions are –

For those with sat nav the nearest postcode is the Gatwick Europa Hotel RH10 7ZR, otherwise Oldhouse Warren is reached through the double steel gates directly from the roundabout at Junction 10A of the M23 (there is no northbound exit) at the B2036, Balcombe Road. Look out for club signs. Parking is first open space on the left.

Lunches: All handlers and spectators to make their own arrangements.

Conditions of All dogs on site must have a current vaccination certificate. No bitches in
entry: season. Fees cannot be refunded for cancellations. The Club reserves the right to accept/refuse entries. All dogs entered for these Working Tests must be registered with the Kennel Club. These GWT’s will be held in accordance with Kennel Club rules and regulations. No telephone or email entries accepted

Gundog Working Tests: K.C. Reg. J(G)2.(b)OPEN – Open to all dogs of a specified breed or breeds although preference may be given to dogs which have gained an award or C of M at a Field Trial, been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in an Open or Novice GWT. K.C. Reg. J(C) 2. (c) NOVICE – Confined to dogs which have not gained an award or C of M at a Field Trial or lst, 2nd or 3rd in an Open GWT or 1st in a Novice GWT held in accordance with K.C. Regulations.

Please note, membership fees increased from 1st April 2013 to £10 single and £12 joint. Please check you are paying the correct amount and if not forward a cheque to me for the balance ASAP.