Results of the Autumn Test 2018 held at, Oldhouse Warren, Nr Worth Crawley, on Sunday 9th September 2018
Venue: Oldhouse Warren, Worth, Nr Crawley, by kind permission of the Trustees of the Paddockhurst Estate.
Judges: Mr Simon Blackman and Mr Angelo LoCurto
1St Dr S Osbourne ESS bitch, Hornacott Roasek Millie
2ndMrs J Jurmann ESS bitch, Denecottage Ado
3rdMrs J Jurmann ESS bitch, Denecottage Aishling
4th Mrs S Cole ESS dog, Digariard Chapuis
Mrs C May ESS bitch, Sealevalley Minuet
Amy Rowlinson ESS dog, Lord Lewis
Mrs P Robinson ESS bitch, Robiden Julep
1st Mr B Miles ESS bitch, Julzcrackers Pipit
2nd Mr R Hyde ESS bitch, Spamvalley Heaven
3rd M Dunbar Cocker dog, Ganwydodderw Kestrel
4th Mr R Hyde ESS bitch, Gartshore Verna
Dr S Osbourne ESS bitch, Hornacott Roasek Millie