Results of our 16 Dog Open Cocker Spaniel Stake

Held on 24th November 2022 at Pixhall Farm by kind permission of Mr Francis Briley and Sponsored by Skinners 

Chief Steward:  Debbie Robertson 

Gordon Bowers (A1941) and Mark Clifford (A2423)

Following a 3 dog run off for 1st

1st & GC Howesyke Style of Tomlinswood (FTCH Kiltonbeck Rolo × Howesyke Lilly)- James Elliot

Making the bitch up to FTCH

2nd) Whaupley Pulse of Episcopi – Anita Jones

3rd) Jadenmoss Echo Echo – Sean Connor

4th) Centrewalk Painted Lady of Braebeate – Buzz Kennard 


Llewgwyn Drysi – Ashley Jakubowski

Episcopi Zest – Anita Jones

Strigidae Surnia of Chequersmate – Brody Chequer

Perija September Song – John Robertson

Pixifen Adelaide – Jack Walton

Wolferton Ashton – John Robertson


Well done to the winner and all in the awards. 

Thank you to our judges Gordon Bowers and Mark Clifford for giving up your time to judge the trial

Thankyou to our host and head keeper Mr Francis Briley for ensuring there was plentiful game to enable the trial to go ahead and for supplying a great team of stops 

Thankyou to all helpers, stewards, game carriers and picker up for giving up your time to support the trial. Special thanks to the guns for excellent shooting. 

The trial was held in game cover mixture enabling all dogs to have the same opportunity to find game. The weather was kind and the rain held off 

Thank you to all the competitors for supporting the trial and the Club.

Our next trial is on 17th January 2023 – novice Spaniel AV