We are looking forward to a full and busy year of training tests and trials for 2022.
Sadly, Gordon Bowers has had to stand down as General Secretary, but we are very pleased that he will remain Chairman of the Club. The Committee would like to show their appreciation and thanks for all his dedication to this very busy role.
In advance of the AGM, we are very pleased to report that one of our long standing Committee members, Ann Billing, has offered to stand in and undertake the General Secretary role and has put her name forward to take on the role permanently.
In the absence of a confirmed Treasurer, Barry Miles has kindly offered to take on the role until the AGM and produce the accounts. The Committee is very grateful for this offer and would like to extend our thanks to Barry. The Club will be looking for a new Treasurer, so if you would be interested in this important role, please let the General Secretary know in advance of the AGM.
We haven’t been able to hold the AGM for 2020 and 2021, but will be holding our 2022 AGM on 12th June, so save the date! The Club will be looking for nominations for General Secretary, Treasurer and Field Trial Secretary. There will also be openings for nominations for new Committee members.
Training Classes will start soon. Please contact David Whittaker to register interest: trainingmswsc@gmail.com
And finally, we are looking forward to welcoming you all to the ground and our events this year. Please remember that subs are due 1st April and would ask all members to check you have a current direct debit set up. New members are always welcome and joining information is on our website.